Oregon’s Standing Lookouts

Here is a directory of fire lookouts that are still standing in Oregon, 155 of them as of July 2024. (My Peakbagger list is here, but doesn’t show all standing lookouts since they are not all in Peakbagger’s database.) Not all of these lookouts are standing in their original locations. I only included structures, not crow’s nest lookouts. An asterisk indicates a site where more than one lookout structure is standing. The areas refer to the regions defined in Ray Kresek’s book Fire Lookouts of the Northwest as well as the firelookout.com website. The last column (Accessible to the Public) indicates whether the summit can be legally accessed (i.e. it is not on private land, reservation land, etc.) This does not mean you’ll have access to the lookout itself. Information here may not be up-to-date. If you have any updates about the status of a lookout, please let me know.

Note: I have not included the Timber Butte Cabin on this list. This is a cabin in the Willamette National Forest that was specifically built to rent out to the public. It resembles a lookout, but was never used as such, and this site was never used as a lookout point. (And the name Timber Butte is not an official name that appears on maps.) Therefore it is not on my list.

Clear Lake ButteMt. Hood National ForestArea 14,458'1962Staffed/RentalYes
Devils PeakMt. Hood National ForestArea 15,045'1949AbandonedYes
Fivemile ButteMt. Hood National ForestArea 14,627'1957RentalYes
Flag PointMt. Hood National ForestArea 15,651'1973StaffedYes
Hickman ButteMt. Hood National ForestArea 14,835'1952StaffedNo
Sisi ButteMt. Hood National ForestArea 15,617'1996StaffedYes
Eagle ButteWarm Springs Indian ReservationArea 13,175'1935StaffedNo
Shitike ButteWarm Springs Indian ReservationArea 15,080'1935StaffedNo
Sidwalter ButteWarm Springs Indian ReservationArea 13,610'1965StaffedNo
Pechuck MountainTable Rock WildernessArea 14,339'1932AbandonedYes
Hopkins Demonstration ForestPrivateArea 12010On displayYes
Carpenter MountainWillamette National ForestArea 45,369'1935StaffedYes
Coffin MountainWillamette National ForestArea 45,771'1984StaffedYes
Gold ButteWillamette National ForestArea 14,618'1934RentalYes
Green RidgeWillamette National ForestArea 15,400'1961Staffed/RentalYes
Huckleberry MountainWillamette National ForestArea 45,549'1939StaffedYes
Indian RidgeWillamette National ForestArea 45,405'1958Staffed/RentalYes
Little Cowhorn MountainWillamette National ForestArea 44,255'1960AbandonedYes
Saddleblanket MountainWillamette National ForestArea 44,969'1927AbandonedYes
Waldo MountainWillamette National ForestArea 46,357'1957StaffedYes
Warner MountainWillamette National ForestArea 45,7231986Staffed/RentalYes
Sand MountainWillamette National ForestArea 45,459'1989StaffedYes
Henkle/Hinkle ButteOregon Department of ForestryArea 43,4121961StaffedNo
Big Rock / Green MountainLinn Forest Protective AssociationArea 44,509'1950AbandonedNo
Green PeterLinn Forest Protective AssociationArea 43,977'1970Unmanned - cameras in useYes
Black Butte*Deschutes National ForestArea 16,4361995StaffedYes
East ButteDeschutes National ForestArea 56,400'1995StaffedYes
Fox ButteDescutes National ForestArea 56,025'1933UnmannedYes
Lava ButteDeschutes National ForestArea 55,0161998StaffedYes
Round MountainDeschutes National ForestArea 45,900'1933StaffedYes
Odell ButteDeschutes National ForestArea 57,033'1963StaffedYes
Trout Creek ButteDeschutes National ForestArea 45,546'1933AbandonedYes
Spring ButteDeschutes National ForestArea 55,462'1992StaffedYes
Walker MountainDeschutes National ForestArea 57,078'1932AbandonedYes
Acker RockUmpqua National ForestArea 34,112'1964RentalYes
Cinnamon ButteUmpqua National ForestArea 36,417'1976StaffedYes
Fairview PeakUmpqua National ForestArea 35,933'1972RentalYes
Garwood ButteUmpqua National ForestArea 37,017'1942AbandonedYes
Illahee Rock*Umpqua National ForestArea 35,392'1956UnmannedYes
Pickett ButteUmpqua National ForestArea 33,292'1948Staffed/RentalYes
Pig IronUmpqua National ForestArea 34,881'1950StaffedYes
Red ButteUmpqua National ForestArea 35,275'1953AbandonedYes
Tiller Ranger StationUmpqua National ForestArea 31,043'1985ExhibitYes
Bald KnobRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 33,630'1963RentalYes
Dutchman PeakRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 37,418'1927StaffedYes
Halls PointRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 35,006'1956StaffedYes
Hershberger MountainRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 36,200'1925UnmannedYes
Lake of the WoodsRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 33,4191974RentalYes
Onion MountainRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 34,438'1952UnmannedYes
Pearsoll PeakRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 35,098'1954AbandonedYes
Quail PrairieRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 33,033'1963AbandonedYes
Robinson ButteRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 35,864'1974AbandonedYes
Rustler PeakRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 36,208'1948StaffedYes
Snow Camp MountainRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 34,223'2004RentalYes
Acorn Woman Peak (formerly called Squaw Peak)Rogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 34,964'1943RentalYes
Mt. StellaRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 34,715'1946AbandonedYes
WildhorseRogue River Siskiyou National ForestArea 33,778'1947AbandonedYes
Baughman MountainDouglas Forest Protective AssociationArea 32,866'1953UnmannedNo
Bland MountainDouglas Forest Protective AssociationArea 32,696'1996UnmannedYes
Dutchman ButteDouglas Forest Protective AssociationArea 33,907'1970UnmannedYes
Bunker HillCoos Forest Protective AssociationArea 3240'1996UnmannedYes
Cougar PassCoos Forest Protective AssociationArea 31,750'1936AbandonedYes
Eden RidgeCoos Forest Protective AssociationArea 33,485'1960UnmannedYes
Edson ButteCoos Forest Protective AssociationArea 32,786'2008UnmannedNo
Grizzly MountainOregon Department of ForestryArea 32,339'1952UnmannedNo
Little GraybackOregon Department of ForestryArea 35,1491981StaffedYes
Round TopOregon Department of ForestryArea 34,658'1973StaffedYes
Sexton MountainOregon Department of ForestryArea 33,834'2006StaffedYes
Soda MountainOregon Department of ForestryArea 36,091'1962StaffedYes
Table MountainOregon Department of ForestryArea 36,113'1958AbandonedNo
White PointOregon Department of ForestryArea 35,075'1974UnmannedYes
Mt. ScottCrater Lake National ParkArea 58,926'1952UnmannedYes
The WatchmanCrater Lake National ParkArea 58,056'1931StaffedYes
Bald MountainFremont Winema National ForestArea 57,396'1947UnmannedYes
Bald ButteFremont Winema National ForestArea 57,536'1931RentalYes
Callimus ButteFremont Winema National ForestArea 56,622'1930StaffedYes
Dog MountainFremont Winema National ForestArea 56,936'1997StaffedYes
Drake PeakFremont Winema National ForestArea 58,222'1948RentalYes
Hager MountainFremont Winema National ForestArea 57,185'1967Staffed/RentalYes
Horsefly MountainFremont Winema National ForestArea 56,466'1957StaffedYes
Lookout RockFremont Winema National ForestArea 56,508'1962UnmannedYes
Morgan ButteFremont Winema National ForestArea 57,234'1964StaffedYes
Pelican ButteFremont Winema National ForestArea 58,035'1986UnmannedYes
Spodue MountainFremont Winema National ForestArea 56,421'1965StaffedYes
Sugarpine MountainFremont Winema National ForestArea 56,393'1970StaffedYes
Bryant MountainBureau of Land ManagementArea 56,461'1980UnmannedNo
Green MountainBureau of Land ManagementArea 55,190'2010StaffedYes
Hogback MountainOregon Department of ForestryArea 56,200'1988StaffedYes
Parker MountainOregon Department of ForestryArea 55,210'1997StaffedYes
Chase MountainKlamath Forest Protective AssociationArea 56,349'1951StaffedYes
Bear ButteKlamath Forest Protective AssociationArea 55,527'1949AbandonedYes
Yainax ButteKlamath Forest Protective AssociationArea 57,226'1931AbandonedYes
BlyFremont-Winema National ForestArea 54,400'1952Unmanned - Cabin moved to park after tower at ranger station removedYes
Aldrich MountainOchoco National ForestArea 66,988'1960StaffedYes
Bald ButteOchoco National ForestArea 65,920'1959AbandonedYes
Dry MountainOchoco National ForestArea 66,281'1932UnmannedYes
Mt. PisgahOchoco National ForestArea 66,816'1964StaffedYes
Tower PointOchoco National ForestArea 66,086'1955StaffedYes
Wolf MountainOchoco National ForestArea 66,843'1947StaffedYes
Mackey ButtePrivateArea 65,512'1935AbandonedNo
Antelope MountainMalheur National ForestArea 66,456'1974StaffedYes
Black ButteMalheur National ForestArea 66,235'1933UnmannedYes
Calamity Butte*Malheur National ForestArea 66,695'1996StaffedYes
Dixie ButteMalheur National ForestArea 67,592'1968StaffedYes
Dry SodaMalheur National ForestArea 65,593'1941StaffedYes
Fall MountainMalheur National ForestArea 65,946'1933RentalYes
Flagtail MountainMalheur National ForestArea 66,584'1966StaffedYes
Frazier PointMalheur National ForestArea 66,290'1936AbandonedYes
Indian RockMalheur National ForestArea 67,353'1957StaffedYes
King MountainMalheur National ForestArea 66,678'1957UnmannedYes
Prairie CityMalheur National ForestArea 63,664'1930UnmannedYes
Snow MountainMalheur National ForestArea 67,163'1961StaffedYes
Sugarloaf MountainMalheur National ForestArea 66,128'1949StaffedYes
West Myrtle ButteMalheur National ForestArea 66,384'1928UnmannedYes
Sod HouseMalheur National Wildlife RefugeArea 64,2001933AbandonedYes
P RanchMalheur National Wildlife RefugeArea 64,190'1933AbandonedYes
Foley ButteOregon Department of ForestryArea 65,484'1953StaffedNo
Gerow ButteOregon Department of ForestryArea 65,688'1934StaffedNo
Rancheria RockOregon Department of ForestryArea 64,909'1930AbandonedNo
Rajneesh RanchPrivateArea 64,040'1985UnknownNo
Riddle MountainBureau of Land ManagementArea 66,352'1964UnmannedYes
Ritter ButteOregon Department of ForestryArea 64,200'1950StaffedYes
Stephenson MountainOregon Department of ForestryArea 65,956'1963StaffedNo
Desolation ButteUmatilla National ForestArea 67,028'1961StaffedYes
Bone PointUmatilla National ForestArea 64,527'1961UnmannedYes
Madison ButteUmatilla National ForestArea 65,711'1957StaffedYes
Mt. IrelandWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 68,346'1957StaffedYes
Tamarack MountainUmatilla National ForestArea 64,979'1933Unmanned (ground cabin rental)Yes
Wagontire MountainBureau of Land ManagementArea 66,510'1967StaffedYes
Goodman RidgeUmatilla National ForestArea 75,218'1936AbandonedYes
High RidgeUmatilla National ForestArea 75,303'1959UnmannedYes
Hoodoo RidgeUmatilla National ForestArea 74,219'1933AbandonedYes
Lookout MountainUmatilla National ForestArea 75,229'1948StaffedYes
Tower MountainUmatilla National ForestArea 76,850'1935StaffedYes
Unity Ranger StationUmatilla National ForestArea 74,000'1938UnmannedYes
Big Lookout MountainBureau of Land ManagementArea 77,120'1963StaffedYes
Buckhorn PeakWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 75,331'1947AbandonedYes
Harl ButteWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 76,071'1954StaffedYes
Hat PointWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 76,982'1948StaffedYes
Johnson RockWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 75,714'1952StaffedYes
McGrawWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 76,020'1965UnmannedYes
Mule PeakWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 78,679'1924StaffedYes
Pine Ranger StationWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 72,600'1938UnmannedYes
Point ProminenceWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 76,745'1954StaffedYes
Red HillWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 75,020'1947UnmannedYes
Russel MountainWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 77,5081941UnmannedYes
Summit PointWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 77,006'1951StaffedYes
Table RockWallowa-Whitman National ForestArea 77,815'1937StaffedYes
Courtney ButteOregon Department of ForestryArea 74,813'1955UnknownNo
Mt. HarrisOregon Department of ForestryArea 76,071'1971AbandonedYes
Elk MountainPrivateArea 75,122'1933AbandonedNo
Glass HillPrivateArea 75,391'1936UnknownNo
Howard ButtePrivateArea 74,314'1941AbandonedNo
Tope CreekPrivateArea 74,720'1936UnmannedNo
Long RidgePrivateArea 74,875'1960Unmanned - Moved here in 2016 from TiptopNo

Here is a map of every standing fire lookout in Oregon. The markers with black dots indicate lookouts that I’ve visited. Green = publicly accessible. Yellow = not publicly accessible.

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