Saturday, July 6, 2019
We stayed at the Squaw Peak Lookout in the Siskiyous over the holiday weekend (read more about that here). After hitting the road to the trailhead first thing in the morning the previous two days, this morning we decided to take it easy and relax. After some relaxation time we did a nearby hike on Little Grayback Mountain.
Most people who do this hike probably start at the lower trailhead. We parked at the upper trailhead on Road 340 since it was much closer:
Motorcycles are unfortunately allowed on this trail. This small trailhead sign claimed that the trail was maintained by the Motorcycle Riders Association, but it didn’t look to us like the trail had been maintained in a few years:
At this spot where a tree fell across the trail, the motorcycles just gouged a new trail up the hill to go around the tree:
The trail does not go to (or near) the summit, but traverses the slopes on the south side:
The trail alternated between open meadow areas…
…and pleasant shady forest:
At this elevation most of the wildflowers finished blooming about a month ago, but there were still a few left:
Oregon sunshine
Cobweb thistle
Coyote mint
Grand collomia
We also some poison oak:
At the two-mile mark we passed some big boulders in the shade that looked like a good spot for a break:
Then we turned and headed back, enjoying the views along the way:
That’s Dutchman Peak on the left:
There are some nice big trees here:
Little hiker, big landscape:
Our total for the day was 4 miles, 480′ elevation gain. Back at the lookout that evening we enjoyed a wine and cheese “appetizer” before dinner. Great way to finish the day!
Then watched an amazing sunset on our final night: