Sunday, July 30, 2023
The last hike of our Mt. Rainier trip was the Naches Peak Loop.
We arrived at Chinook Pass at 7:20 in a successful attempt to beat the crowds. Tipsoo Lake was misty and cloud as we set off up the trail:
This area is heavily used and unfortunately signs like this don’t seem to be helping:
Lots of western pasque flower gone to seed:
We crossed the highway via a footbridge:
There were lots of wildflowers:
We reached a lovely little tarn:
At the tarn we also saw a mama ptarmigan and her babies:
After awhile at the tarn we continued on. Looking back:
More wildflowers:
Lovely views!
We reached a viewpoint over Dewey Lake, which was hidden below the clouds:
Shortly after that we reached a junction where we turned left. We had been in the William O. Douglas Wilderness of the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. Now we entered Mt. Rainier National Park:
Entering clouds:
We reached another tarn. This one may have had a reflection of Mt. Rainier, but the mountain was shrouded in clouds, making only seconds-long appearances:
Further along we came across a viewpoint with no view:
Mt. Rainier is out there somewhere!
Why pick wildflowers if you’re just going to dump them on the trail???
Peekaboo mountain in the clouds:
Making the descent down to the trailhead:
A view of the highway down below:
We passed Upper Tipsoo Lake:
We crossed back over the highway and walked along Tipsoo Lake:
We saw hundreds of tadpoles in the lake. Cool!
The trailhead was a total zoo when we finished our hike. Time to skedaddle!
Gaia stats: 4 miles, 600′ elevation gain