Saturday, July 22, 2023
We spent an entire week in Mt. Rainier National Park. The first hike we did was in the Paradise area.
We have spent very little time at Mt. Rainier over the years, but we have visited Paradise twice before, first in 2010 and then again in 2015. After setting up camp at the Cougar Rock Campground first thing this morning (we made reservations months ago) we drove up to Paradise, grabbed a parking spot before the crowds arrived, and started up the Skyline Trail:
It was a gorgeous day! The mountain was out and we walked by many many wildflowers:
We saw a pika. This would not be the last pika we saw during our week in the park:
We saw several marmots today:
The crowds were as bad as we expected them to be on a beautiful Saturday in July. The woman at the far end of the footbridge is sitting on the bridge, making hikers squeeze past her to proceed:
Many people strayed off the trail, despite the signs:
Looking down on the many cars parked alongside the road. Paradise is just out of sight around the corner:
This was an interesting and unique resting place:
The golden-mantled ground squirrels here were quite aggressive:
Mt. St. Helens poking up in the distance:
Hikers going in the opposite direction who decided to leave the trail rather than share it with oncoming hikers:
A lingering patch of snow:
Another marmot:
Distant Mt. Hood:
Mt. St. Helens again:
A peek at Mt. Adams:
This was the high point of the hike and we stopped here for a break, along with lots of other people:
It took awhile to find with the binoculars, but I finally spotted Camp Muir:
Looking south to the Goat Rocks on the left and Mt. Adams on the right:
Mt. St. Helens:
That’s Panorama Point below us:
Another golden-mantled ground squirrel:
Beautiful views as we descend back to Paradise:
This was a great hike, but VERY VERY crowded. I’m glad we did it; no regrets. But I was also glad to get away from the crowds and go back to our campsite.
Gaia stats: 5.8 miles, 1670′ elevation gain