Sunday, June 4, 2023
Today I hiked up Black Butte, getting an early start thanks to having camped nearby the night before.
There were four cars when I got to the trailhead at 6:45. The first part of the hike is in shady forest.
There was a whole lot of serviceberry in bloom:
I didn’t know there was some aspen up here:
The trail emerged onto the open slopes and I started getting views:
First glimpse of the lookout:
I came around the corner and saw Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood:
This 65-foot tower is staffed in summer:
There’s new signage up here since my last visit:
The historic cupola lookout was restored a few years ago and looks a lot better than it did the first time I came up here. I had the place to myself for about 20 minutes before other people started showing up:
They installed a sign explaining the history of lookouts on Black Butte:
There was an old condemned cabin here on my last visit, which has since been removed. In its place is this nice viewing deck with expansive views:
There are signs on the railings to tell you what you’re looking at:
There’s an old toilet just down the hill, but I don’t know if it’s maintained. I didn’t try to use it:
Views to the southwest include Broken Top:
The Three Sisters:
And Black Crater:
To the west is Belknap Crater and Mt. Washington:
And Three Fingered Jack:
To the northwest is Mt. Jefferson:
And Mt. Hood:
The old sign asking visitors to stay away from the tower is still there, although leaning:
Nice view heading down:
I was glad I got an early start. I passed dozens of people heading up as I headed down. There were 32 cars at the trailhead when I drove away, and I passed more than a dozen more driving up as I drove down. Popular hike!
Gaia stats: 4.1 miles, 1,500′ elevation gain