Sunday, September 1, 2019
I hiked Chucksney Mountain in 2015 and wasn’t interested in hiking it again. It’s a pretty long hike and there isn’t much to see on the way up or down. But while we were staying at Indian Ridge Lookout Greg wanted to do this one, so off we went. This is what the hike looks like for the entire five mile climb to the top:
We saw signs of recent maintenance, which was surprising since I don’t think this trail sees many hikers:
This was once a viewpoint, but not anymore:
Hiking through huckleberries (nothing ripe, sadly):
In 2015 there was a small area that had just burned. This is what it looked like:
Four years later the vegetation is looking very healthy:
After five miles we entered the meadows at the summit:
We sat for awhile enjoying the view of the Three Sisters and Broken Top:
This is the view looking west:
Looking northwest:
This hike is a loop, so we didn’t return the way we came but continued on through the summit meadows:
The Chucksney Mountain Trail intersected with the Grasshopper Trail, which we took back to the car.
10.4 miles, 2,000′ elevation gain.