Green Springs Mountain Loop

Monday, May 29, 2023

Before driving home from Ashland on Memorial Day we did the short Green Springs Mountain loop hike.

The trailhead is a short distance down the road from the trail, so we started off with a bit of road hiking:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

We turned onto the trail and immediately started seeing flowers. These are Henderson’s fawn lily:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Hound’s tongue:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Quiet walking through the forest:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

We traversed a large lovely meadow with a view of Pilot Rock:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

We could also see Hobart Bluff (left) and Soda Mountain (right):

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Mt. Ashland:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

More wildflowers including lomatium:

Green Springs Mountain Loop


Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Back into the forest:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

More fawn lily:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

This was the only patch of mud we encountered the whole hike:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

We traversed another meadow:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Another view of Mt. Ashland:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

We saw brown’s peony blooming here. It doesn’t look like much from above because the flowers point down (making it hard to photograph!):

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Heading back into the trees:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

Green Springs Mountain Loop


Green Springs Mountain Loop

Jacob’s ladder:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

One last meadow:

Green Springs Mountain Loop

What a delightful hike this turned out to be! Quite a gem.

Gaia stats: 3 miles, 320′ elevation gain