Monday, May 29, 2023
Before driving home from Ashland on Memorial Day we did the short Green Springs Mountain loop hike.
The trailhead is a short distance down the road from the trail, so we started off with a bit of road hiking:
We turned onto the trail and immediately started seeing flowers. These are Henderson’s fawn lily:
Hound’s tongue:
Quiet walking through the forest:
We traversed a large lovely meadow with a view of Pilot Rock:
We could also see Hobart Bluff (left) and Soda Mountain (right):
Mt. Ashland:
More wildflowers including lomatium:
Back into the forest:
More fawn lily:
This was the only patch of mud we encountered the whole hike:
We traversed another meadow:
Another view of Mt. Ashland:
We saw brown’s peony blooming here. It doesn’t look like much from above because the flowers point down (making it hard to photograph!):
Heading back into the trees:
Jacob’s ladder:
One last meadow:
What a delightful hike this turned out to be! Quite a gem.
Gaia stats: 3 miles, 320′ elevation gain