Snowshoeing at White River

On Saturday Greg and I headed to Mt. Hood from some much-needed fresh air and nature time. We headed to the White River Sno-Park, put on our snowshoes, and started hiking upriver, with a view of the big beautiful mountain right in front of us.

White River Snowshoeing

White River Snowshoeing

White River Snowshoeing

White River Snowshoeing

It was pretty easy going. It hadn’t snowed in a few days so the trail was pretty packed down. A little over two miles in, we stopped for a snack. All around us it was white and snowy. No wind, thankfully!

White River Snowshoeing

On the next hill over (at right in the photo above) we saw two tiny figures up on top. The route up looked really steep!

White River Snowshoeing

Then we headed back down.

White River Snowshoeing

There was an impressive amount of snow on the toilets at the parking lot:

A lot of snow