Punchbowl Falls

Since Mother Nature decided not to cooperate with the weather last weekend, I decided to utilize the overcast skies and recent downpours for some waterfall photography. Since that log fell, I’ve only been in the fall, not the spring, so I thought this was a good chance to go.

First I stopped at Oneonta Creek to check out the tunnel sans people.

I also grabbed a shot of the creek, framed all around by lush green vegetation.

Over at Eagle Creek I parked at the “far away lot” (as I call it), walked up the road, and hit the trail. There were more than two dozen cars altogether and not a soul in sight, which goes to show how easy it can be for morons to break into cars there.

Not long after I started out on the trail, the downpour began and continued through most of my hike, with only brief respites. My rain gear needs to be re-waterproofed, so I was soaked pretty quick. I tried to ignore my soaked state, though, and just enjoy the lovely green of the world. I do so LOVE the green of spring around here!

Saw some wildflowers along the way, including one patch of lupine….

…and lots of rosy plectritis.

Finally, Punchbowl Falls. A family was leaving right as I arrived and then I had the place to myself for the entire 30 minutes I was there. Shocking!

I was prepared to wade out into the creek if necessary, knowing the water would be high. But someone has built a stepping stone path out to the middle of the creek. How convenient! It was a little tricky balancing on the precarious rocks while I was taking pictures. It didn’t help that it was raining hard and my precarious perch made it difficult to keep the camera and lens dry.

It looks A LOT different than when I photographed it in the autumn.

On the way back I stopped to check out Metlako. This one is getting more difficult to photograph because of that Big Leaf Maple that keeps getting bigger. I was straddling the fence and my tripod was totally on the other side of the fence to get this shot.

It poured down rain almost the entire hike back, so I was pretty soaked by the time I got back to the car. I passed dozens of people hiking in as I was hiking out. The popularity of this trail – even on a rainy day! – never ceases to amaze me.