The muddiness and wetness of winter has kept me off the hiking trails for the last three months or so. I missed it, so I was determined to go hiking on Sunday. I was dismayed as I watched the forecast deteriorate from clear and dry to cloudy with a good chance of rain. I went anyway and fortunately I didn’t get rained on until the very end of the hike.
I had hoped to see more signs of spring out there, but maybe it’s just been too cold. This was about the only sign of spring I saw:
I ambled up the trail, huffing and puffing (so much for the last five months of working out at the gym!)
After all that rain on Saturday, Dry Creek Falls was anything by dry. It was gushing.
And let me tell you, it was COLD there. The waterfall spray was icy and quickly numbed my fingers as I tried to take pictures. Hiking back down to the junction with the trail, I scrambled down to creekside to try some shots down there.
On the way back to the car, the sun tried to make a few brief appearances, but then it vanished and the rain and hail began. I picked up the pace and made it back to the car without getting too wet. I am really looking forward to drier and more colorful (wildflowers!) hiking conditions!